
Signing of the cooperation agreement with public movements of Ukraine
The International peacekeeping movement «Women Dialogue» cooperates with women public movements of Ukraine. Ukrainian public movements, such as public movement «Hope» and public movement «Bereginya» have signed the cooperation agreement with the International peacekeeping movement «Women Dialogue»! The aim of this cooperation is a prompt prevention of the escalation and sons’ return home to their families!
Обращение к Генеральному Секретарю Шанхайской организации сотрудничества Чжан Мину
15 сентября 2022 года в прекрасном городе Самарканде Республики Узбекистан пройдет заседание Совета Глав государств - членов Шанхайской организации сотрудничества.
Conference "Civil society's role in further development of traditinal ties among Russia and Uzbekistan"
In the framework activities of the Highest council of the russian political party "United Russia"working group "State political building and international activity" web-conference "Civil society's role in further development of traditinal ties among Russia and Uzbekistan" was held. Questions, including dialogue perspectives among Russia and Uzbekistan in fields of economics, trade and transport, have been raised.
Meteting with ex Minister for foreign affairs of Austria Karin Kneissl
Meeting of the International peacekeeping movement's "Women Dialogue" Chairman E. Semerikova with ex Minister for foreign affairs of Austria K. Kneissl.
Meeting with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Russian Federation A.A. Torres
12th of May, 2022 the Chairman of the International peacekeeping movement «Women Dialogue» Elena Semerikova hold an official meeting with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Russian Federation Alba Azucena Torres. Questions of women cooperation among our countries have been raised at the meeting.
The lecture of the Chairman at MGIMO University
April 27, 2022 Elena Semerikova lectured 4-year students, faculty of governance and politics at MGIMO University.
Meeting with the Charge d’Affaires of Afghanistan G.J. Nasil
On the 21st of April, 2022 Garval Jamal Nasil (Charge d’Affaires of Afghanistan) provided his first meeting on the diplomatic post with Elena Semerikova the Chairman of the International peacekeeping meeting «Women Dialogue». The question of Afghan women roles was discussed at the meeting.
World future from the eyes of women
The 4th of March, 2022 ahead of the International Women’s Day the International peacekeeping movement «Women Dialogue» in cooperation with the Center of social-conservative politics and with support from the Ministry of foreign policy of the Russian Federation held an international conference, devoted to foreign policy.