The 4th of March, 2022 ahead of the International Women’s Day the International peacekeeping movement «Women Dialogue» in cooperation with the Center of social-conservative politics and with support from the Ministry of foreign policy of the Russian Federation held an international conference, devoted to foreign policy. Leaders of public women movements from the EU, the USA, the CIS-countries, Ukraine, the DPR and the LPR participated in this conference. The chairman of the International peacekeeping movement «Women Dialogue», the moderator of the conference Elena Semerikova explained to conference’s participators the sense and the aim of the special operation to destroy terrorism and fascism, originated in Ukraine.
Olga Koptseva (deputy from the LPR) said: «The war is going against the whole humanity. We release captives and those, who disarm voluntarily; we do not want «to have blood on our hands». Also she suggested: «appealing to Florence Gillette (the head of the delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine) to get assistance in creation of humanitarian corridors, as Ukraine ignores all appeals».
Elena Perepichaenko (journalist, public figure from the DNP) informed conference’s participators: «The main problem of Ukraine is radical nationalism. I highlight, that it concerns radical, totalitarian nationalism, when one nation exalts itself above other nations; it is about absolute submission of other nations to the one «titular» nation. Radical nationalists do not obey the central power, with keeping at bay the whole Ukraine, imposing it their values. Negotiations, which lasted for eight years, (better to say persuasions) have not led to any result. Denazification of country became the one way to affect this tragic situation». She pointed out: «I want civilians from Kharkov, Kiev and other Ukrainian cities to know, that Donbas sympathizes with them, as it has gone through sufferings of the war. Each day people die, they die a horrible death, children are wounded, houses are destroyed. Please, let us together eradicate the reason of this situation – disgusting radical nationalism».